Indrajith is a Tamil action-adventure film directed by Kalaaprabhu and produced by his father Kalaipuli S. Thanu. The film features Gautham Karthik and Ashrita Shetty in the lead roles, while Sonarika Bhadoria, Sudanshu Pandey, Pratap Pothan and Rajveer Singh among others play supporting roles. Music composed by KP.
Starcast: Gautham Karthik, Ashrita Shetty, Sonarika Bhadoria, Sudanshu Pandey, Pratap Pothan and Rajveer Singh
Written & Directed by: Kalaaprabu || Producer: Kalaippuli S. Thanu || D.O.P: Rasamathi || Music: KP
Editor: V.T Vijayan || Art: Jakki || Stunts: Fefsi Vijayan, Stun Siva || Audiography: Raja krishnamoorthy
Choreography: Shobi || Lyrics: Pulamaipithan, Kabilan Vairamuthu || PRO: Diamond Babu ||
Banner: V Creations || Audio Label: Think Music
Gautham Karthik,
Official Trailer,
Tamil Movie
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