Balakrishnudu is an upcoming Telugu romantic and action film, starring Nara Rohit, Regina Cassandra and Ramya Krishnan in lead roles. The film is directed by debutant Pavan Mallela, a film making graduate from Australia. After Baanam and Solo, it is the 3rd movie of NaaraRohit and Melody Bramha Mani Sharma together. The film is produced by B. Mahendra Babu, Musunuru Vamsi and Sri Vinod Nandamuri on Saraschandrikaa Visionary Motion Pictures and MayaBazar Movies.
Balakrishnudu Movie Theatrical Trailer. Balakrishnudu 2017 Telugu Movie ft. Nara Rohit & Regina Cassandra. Directed by Pavan Mallela. Music by Mani Sharma. Produced by B Mahendra Babu, Nandamuri Sri Vinod & Musunuru Vamsi Krishna.
Balakrishnudu movie also stars Ramya Krishna, Vennela Kishore, Prudhvi Raj & others.
Balakrishnudu Movie Theatrical Trailer. Balakrishnudu 2017 Telugu Movie ft. Nara Rohit & Regina Cassandra. Directed by Pavan Mallela. Music by Mani Sharma. Produced by B Mahendra Babu, Nandamuri Sri Vinod & Musunuru Vamsi Krishna.
Balakrishnudu movie also stars Ramya Krishna, Vennela Kishore, Prudhvi Raj & others.
Balakrishnudu Movie Theatrical Trailer
Telugu Movie,
Theatrical Trailer
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