The BCCI back-dated five-month ban on India discard Yusuf Pathan comes to an end on January 14. This means that the Baroda all-rounder will be able to participate in the IPL 2018. The ban runs from August 15, 2017, to January 14, 2018. The Baroda all-rounder was not retained by his IPL franchise Kolkata Knight Riders earlier this month.
The BCCI back-dated five-month ban on India discard Yusuf Pathan comes to an end on January 14. This means that the Baroda all-rounder will be able to participate in the IPL 2018. The ban runs from August 15, 2017, to January 14, 2018. The Baroda all-rounder was not retained by his IPL franchise Kolkata Knight Riders earlier this month.
10:37 AM
Bandung Indonesia