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Thala 58 Title is VISWASAM | Ajith, Director Siva next Movie after Vivegam

And it's a V for the fourth time in a row! Thala Ajith and Director Siva's 4th collaboration for Thala 58 just got it's title : Viswasam. Watch NOW!

Ajith's 58th movie will be directed by Siva. Ajith's 58th film is titled 'Viswasam'. The director of the Sathyajyothi Films company Sai Siddharth has published this information on Twitter. Ajith's 58th film is titled 'Viswasam' will be directed by Siva. Sathya jyothi Films company producing this film. 'V' sentiment continues for Ajith and siva combo.

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