With the massive protest for Jallikatu in January 2017, Madras High Court have asked the Judge Rajashekar to probe into this case. A special enquiry team had been alloted to summon the police officials and actors involved in the protest. Not just that they had also started enquiry of 440 general public and sending summon to other people who took part in the protest. The report of this case will be submitted after 8 months.
With the massive protest for Jallikatu in January 2017, Madras High Court have asked the Judge Rajashekar to probe into this case. A special enquiry team had been alloted to summon the police officials and actors involved in the protest. Not just that they had also started enquiry of 440 general public and sending summon to other people who took part in the protest. The report of this case will be submitted after 8 months.
3:29 AM
Bandung Indonesia