Actor Vijay Sethupathi, who is fondly called as Makkal Selvan, will next be seen in a film titled ‘Junga’ that is being directed by Gokul. ‘Junga’ stars Sayyeshaa as the leading lady in the film and the shooting of the film is currently underway in France. Saamy 2 is a Tamil action cop movie written and directed by Hari. The movie has Chiyaan Vikram in the lead roles. Keerthy Suresh and Trisha in the female lead roles. Soori, Milan, Prabhu, Kanal Kannan in Supporting roles. Bobby Simha in an Important role.
Devi Sri Prasad is composing music for this movie, while Priyan takes care of cinematography. Iru Mugan fame Shibu Thameem bank roles this movie.
Junga and Saamy 2 Shooting Spot,
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Vijay Sethupathi and Vikram's New Look
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